

Un italian angajeaza sa-i vopseasca gardul cere imprejmuia casa 3 romani. Dis-de-dimineata, inainte de a pleca la serviciu, italianul le da celor 3 instructiunile:
-Aveti aici 3 galeti de vopsea care va vor ajunde sa vopsiti tot gardul. In bucatarie e mancare, cand o sa va vina foame, va puteti servi. Aaa, era sa uit. Ati vazut calul pe care il tin inchis in spatele curtii? Sa nu cumva sa lasati poarta dechisa sa scape de acolo ca nu stiu ce fac cu voi. S-a inteles?
-Am inteles sefu,raspund romanii intr-un glas.
Pleaca italianul, iar romanii se apuca de treaba. Nu dupa mult timp, unul din ei zice:
-Ma, mie mi-a venit foame, hai sa vedem ce are asta de mancare!
Bucataria italianului, plina de bunatati. Dupa un ospat pe cinste, romanii cauta si ceva de baut, dar nu gasesc decat apa si suc. Atunci, unul dintre ei zice:
-Ma, stiu eu cum sa facem rost de bautura. Mergem si vindem o galeata de vopsea, cumparam bautura, iar vopseaua de ramane o mai diluam, o mai “lungim” si terminam noi gardul. Dupa ce au baut s-au apucat de vopsit, dar cand mai aveau vreo 3 m din gard se termina vopseaua.
-Acum ce dracu facem? De unde luam vopsea? Italianul o sa-si dea seama ca noi am luat-o…
-Ma fratilor, las’ pe mine,zice unul mai istet, ca stiu eu cum facem. Mai strangem putina vopsea pe pensula si dam pe botul la cal, iar cand va veni italianul ii vom spune ca acesta a scapat si a mancat-o.
Zis si facut. Pe seara, ajunge si italianul acasa.
-Ma, ce-ati facut cu vopseaua? Eu am calculat la fix si trebuia sa va ajunga.
-Sefu’, ne pare tare rau, dar a scapat calul si a mancat-o.
La auzul acestor vorbe, italianul intra in casa, ia pusca si nici una nici doua, impsca calul.
-Ce naiba dom’le, pt o galeata de vopsea ai omorat saracul animal? Iti cumparam noi alta…
-Ba fratilor, vedeti voi casa asta? Tot cu romani am facut-o. Da-l in mortii mamii lui de cal ca mi-a mai mancat 30 de saci de ciment, 800 de caramizi, 4 grinzi…


ora-24005 must use dbms_aqadm.drop_queue_table

When you try to drop a user, you can encounter the following message :
ora-24005 must use dbms_aqadm.drop_queue_table


how to tune linux for oracle

An excellent article : here

best way for stripping

Oracle recommends the SAME principle (SAME = stripe and mirror everything) with a stripe size of 1 MB.

Don't put database files on ACFS ( Oracle Automatic Storage Management Cluster File System )

Create Oracle Database data files directly on Oracle ASM storage for best performance because Oracle ACFS does not support directIO for file read and write operations in 11g Release 2 (11.2).

ERROR-Agent is blocked. Blocked reason is: Agent is out-of-sync with repository

Communication: Agent to OMS Communication Fails if the Agent is Blocked and Re-synchronization is not Successful [ID 1054605.1]

Enterprise Manager Grid Control - Version: to - Release: 10.2 to 10.2
Information in this document applies to any platform.


After upgrading the OMS and Agent to version, getting the following error in <>/sysman/log/emagent.trc:

Did not receive valid response to ping "ERROR-Agent is blocked. Blocked reason is: Agent is out-of-sync with repository. This most likely means that the agent was reinstalled or recovered. Please contact an EM administrator to unblock the agent by performing an agent resync from the console. Please contact EM adminstrator to unblock the agent"


The Agent is blocked in the Grid Console due to the "clean-start procedure" followed on the Agent side which included deletion of the <>/sysman/emd/agntstmp.txt.
Re-synchronization of the Agent from Console should help in resumption of the communication. But as per the error from the re-synchronization has failed due to "ORA-20206: Target does not exist: agentmachine.domain:host"

It was found that the <>/sysman/emd/targets.xml file on the Agent host did not have the 'Target TYPE' of 'host' in it. The cause for the missing 'host' entry is not clear.

Note: Although it is not normally advisable to edit the targets.xml file directly, this is an exception.
To correct this problem, follow these steps:

1. Stop the Agent

cd <<AGENT_HOME>>/bin
emctl stop agent

2. Take a backup of the <<AGENT_HOME>>/sysman/emd/targets/xml.
    Edit the file and add the following line:

  <Target TYPE="host" NAME="agentmachine.domain"/>

  To identify the agent hostname, open the <<AGENT_HOME>>/sysman/config/emd.properties file and check the parameter EMD_URL. For example:


The hostname of the Agent machine in this case is the agenthostname.domain.

3. Start the Agent

cd <<AGENT_HOME>>/bin
emctl start agent

4. In the Grid Console, Navigate to Setup -> Agents -> click on the Agent name.

5. In the Agent home page, click on the link for 'Resynchronize Agent'
Choose the 'Unblock Agent' option and click Continue


Message file sp1.msb not found on windows

Several ORACLE_HOMEs in MS Windows - Error 6 Initializing SQL*Plus. Sp1.Msb Not Found And SP2-750 [metalink ID 466554.1]


Aix specific tunning for oracle

If you store your datafiles in filesystems each filesystem should have own log device  or use INLINE log
Tune JFS log buffer
  • ioo -p -o j2_dynamicBufferPreallocation=256 -o
  • ioo -p -o pv_min_pbuf=4096
  • vmo -p -o minperm%=3 -o maxperm%=90 -o maxclient%=90 -o lru_file_repage=0 -o strict_maxperm=0


Oracle 10g slow truncate

Truncate Takes A Long Time -- Waits on RO enqueue [metalink ID 286363.1]

how to build your own exadata

Exadata (2)  is a new product ( less than 1 year ).

The key of its performance is the Sun Flash Accelerator F20 PCIe Card  ( 4x96GB =384GB flash cache per each exadata storage server ( a.k.a cell ) ) and level 2 SGA cache from 11Gr2


"main class could not be found, program will exit!"

JVM Launcher - "Cannot Find main class" on install of Oracle Enterprise Edition [ID 244132.1]

Running setup.exe from disk1 results in JVM Launcher dialog with error message: 
"main class could not be found, program will exit!"



Why should AIXTHREAD_SCOPE be set to 'S' on AIX during an RDBMS installation?

Jumbo Frames with RAC

original link : http://blogs.sun.com/glennf/entry/jumbo_frames_with_oracle_rac

After months looking at "other things", they finally were convinced to try this "Best Practice" with Jumbo Frames. Immediately, they saw:

  • 50% reduction in CPU overhead
  • 75% reduction in Global cache buffer waits
  • IP Reassemblies dropped by 10x 


ORA-04063: package body "ORACLE_OCM.MGMT_DB_LL_METRICS" has errors

OEM recommends that EXECUTE privilege being revoked from PUBLIC. After revoking the privilege, the  following errors appeared in alert log: