
hate vs money


you do what you hate  for money and after that, you use your money to do what you like.


eat meat


eat only meat/organs/butter, 2 times per day, max 6h between meals


API SL = VW 502/505 ; API SM = VW 504/507

 Apropiindu-ma de prima revizie am cautat care ar fi cel mai bun ulei pentru masina, si asemenea unui obsedat nu m-am multumit pana nu am gasit explicatii si detalii pentru fiecare din aspectele si certificarile unui ulei, timp de saptamani, ulterior uitand cauza pentru care m-am apucat de documentat :)

Astea sunt concluziile la care am ajuns, poate mai putem aduna pareri...

Poate cea mai des intalnita intrebare cand e vorba de revizii si uleiuri - De ce in Germania revizia se face la 2 ani, iar la noi la 1 an? Eu cred ca se face din cauza cantitatii mari de sulf care inca se gaseste la noi in combustibili; asa cum cifrele octanice sunt departe de adevar la mai toate benzinele, asa si cantitatile de sulf reale din combustibili sunt deasupra normelor la noi in tara. Ce e rau in asta? Sulful din combustibili duce la formarea acidului sulfuric, acid sulfuric care erodeaza metalul motorului, si este neutralizat in mare parte de KOH(hidroxid de potasiu) aflat in uleiurile de motor - cantitatea lui in ulei ca aditiv se masoara in TBN (mgKOH/g), deci in principiu cu cat este mai mare cu atat mai bine, dar UE impreuna cu eco-prietenii nu sunt de aceeasi opinie...

Problema consta in faptul ca datorita normelor stricte de emisii, aditivii din uleiurile API SM(cum sunt si cele cu standardul VW 504/507) sunt in cantitati incomparabile mai mici decat uleiurile de standard mai vechi(API SL spre exemplu...).

Daca intr-un ulei API SL (VW 502/505 spre ex.), TBN-ul trece de 10 in multe cazuri, la uleiurile API SM, TBN-ul trece de 6 in putine cazuri. La fel si cu ceilalti aditivi... zinc, fosfor, molybden etc... la uleiurile de aprobare noua nu au voie sa treaca de de 600ppm(parti per milion). In momentul in care TBN-ul coboara la 1-2, uleiul trebuie schimbat imediat, altfel protectia impotriva uzurii cauzate de acidul sulfuric va fi minima. De la sine inteles ca un ulei cu TBN peste 10 protejeaza mai bine ca un ulei cu TBN 5 sau 6.

Asemenea se poate spune in parte si despre aditivii de uzura mecanica... zinc, fosfor sau molybden - una e ca uleiul sa aiba peste 1000ppm si alta e sa fi limitat la sub 600ppm.

Sper ca nu ma insel, insa motoarele diesel VAG de generatie noua(euro 5) sunt obligate sa foloseasca ulei cu standard VW 507, altfel tocmai acei aditivi care ajuta la protejarea impotriva uzurii, vor distruge filtrul de particule pe termen lung.

La benzinarele noi, cum e cazul meu, inca mai putem alege sa folosim ulei de standard mai vechi API SL (VW 502) cu revizia la un an.

Un lucru benefic pe care vad ca VW inca il pastreaza la uleiurile aprobate de ei, e ca norma HTHS(high temperature high shear) sa fie mai mare de 3.5 mPas - pe scurt, VW prefera un ulei care protejeaza motorul mai bine, in schimbul unui ulei care ajuta motorul sa consume ceva mai putin combustibil, insa cu o protectie mai mica la temperaturi mari(paradoxal o optiune aleasa in special de constructorii non-germani). Se pare ca un ulei cu HTHS >3.5 mPas e recomandat in special pentru viata turbinei, iar Ford spre ex. stiu sigur ca recomanda ulei <3.5 mPas.


somnul ratiunii naste monstrii


the myth of normal

 transcript is here: 


 What we think is normal in our society from the point of view of human needs and human evolution is absolutely abnormal. And therefore, when we think of abnormalities in terms of illnesses and dysfunctions and diseases and so on, these are normal responses to abnormal circumstances. And the biggest loss you and I have already talked about. This is a society that from the very beginning, from in utero onwards, put stresses on human beings, that they lose contact with themselves.

And the essence of trauma is loss of contact with yourself, loss of connection to yourself. And that’s reinforced through parenting practices, the parenting advice people get. You and I already talked about that. It is reinforced in the school system where it’s all about competition and evaluation rather than relaxation and learning. We are judged all the time by our externals, like how we look, what we achieve, how smart we are, how fast we are. We’re not accepted for who we are with our flaws and our vulnerabilities. Society caters to those false needs so that for God’s sakes, people are botoxing themselves because they’ve learned that how they are is just not acceptable.

People are on Facebook presenting a false image of themselves because they believe that how they are and who they are is not good enough. We’re sold all these products and are manipulated into all these activities that are all attempts to fulfill some deep hunger in ourselves that is missing because we’ve lost our true selves. We are manipulated into buying products and eating foods that are actually toxically, addictively unhealthy. And this happens with the full awareness, even — not only the awareness, the employment of modern science as to how to get people hooked on cell phones or junk foods. Our politics reflects very traumatized people reaching the top, enacting policies that then create more trauma for large numbers of people. In other words, this is a society that for all its wealth, scientific ingenuity, incredible progress in science and medicine, has fundamentally got disconnected from the essence of what it means to be human beings.

 Kids are stressed because of the conditions of this culture, all the lonely people, as the Beatles sang, all the lonely people. The number of people lonely has doubled in the last 30 years. Britain has appointed a Minister of Loneliness. Loneliness kills. It’s as dangerous as smoking 15 cigarettes a day in terms of causing illness or potentiating illness and death. There’s so many ways in which this culture is abnormal, and it’s causing people to be not well.

And I can’t emphasize enough the importance of communality of connection. We are wired to connect. And in a society that teaches us that our nature is to be aggressive and competitive and individualistic, and even suspicious of others, that goes against our nature. So we have to work our way through those false beliefs and come back to who we really are, which are connected beings really here to be both individuals, to both to be authentic, and to be attached at the same time, so that there shouldn’t be this tragic tension between attachment and authenticity. 


inspira si lasa-te inspirat

 O să fie o toamnă lungă și frumoasă. Profită și învață să găsești locul și ora în care să fii în echilibru cu tine, ca un echinocțiu repetat zilnic. Din echilibrul acesta îți vei trage energia de care ai nevoie pentru a merge înainte, tot de acolo, din echilibrul tău cu tine, vin binele, frumusețea și liniștea. Acestea sunt antidot pentru frică, neliniște și griji. Iar atunci când îți este greu și te copleșește realitatea cu dinamismul, agresivitatea și haosul ei, rememorează cum ai obținut ultima victorie, ultimul succes și cum ai depășit ultima încercare, pentru că dacă ai putut atunci, vei putea și acum, dar și data viitoare. Ține minte că doar cu răbdare și calm ai să poți face din ceea ce pare imposibil posibil. Ai mai făcut asta!

vechiul Buhusi


„Cîtă viaţă, cîtă istorie, cîte destine umane nu sînt încorporate în cele şase slove care alcătuiesc un nume care pînă nu demult avea doar rezonanţe blînd patriarhale: Buhuşi !

Din vremuri uitate s-a aşezat în vatra ospitalieră a văii Bistriţei, mărginită de unduirea blîndă a dealurilor moldovene un neam de oameni statornic şi harnic care a împrejmuit hotare şi şi-a lăsat

faptele înscrise în cronici, atît în cele cu pecetea zimbrului, cît şi în cele ale ctitoriilor moderne.


future depends on today


“The future depends on what you do today.” – Mahatma Gandhi

berg and Alzheimer


My cat blew the whistle away by sharing these notes from dr berg:

Early symptoms of Alzheimer’s:
• Difficulty remembering recent events
• Difficulty finding words
• Problems with spatial location
• Loss of smell
• Mood swings

What we know about Alzheimer’s:
• The brain shrinks, starting with the hippocampus
• People are getting it at a younger age (as early as their 20s)
• There is a correlation between hyperinsulinemia and Alzheimer’s
• Treating amyloid plaque hasn’t produced results
• There is a risk factor involving APOE

There is an alternative theory that Alzheimer’s is a lysosome storage problem. The lysosome is a part of the cell that helps clean up damaged proteins and recycles them into new building blocks. The theory is that this part of the cell is broken.

The process of the lysosome cleaning up damaged protein and recycling it is called autophagy. The most potent trigger of autophagy is fasting, and a lot of research demonstrates that fasting can potentially improve Alzheimer’s.

Natural ways to enhance the lysosome function and autophagy:
1. Reduce glucose (get on the keto diet)
2. Do intermittent fasting (OMAD) and periodic prolonged fasting (a 48-hour fast once a week)
3. Try herbal remedies (curcumin, pine bark, thunder god vine, and green tea)
4. Include omega-3 fatty acids (DHA) in your diet
5. Increase SCFA (get into ketosis)
6. Exercise regularly
7. Get plenty of sleep
8. Consume cruciferous vegetables
7. Include extra virgin olive oil in your diet
8. Do heat and cold therapy