
power bi tricks

 Power BI tricks I can’t live without — Part 1 | by Data Pears | Medium

1. Change Slicer Orientation

2. Matrix: Show values in rows instead of columns

3. Matrix: the pivot table dilemma

4. Organise your columns/measures into folders:

5. Shadows

6. Buttons: change colour on hover

7. The Top N filter

8. Enable search on slicer

9. Align Visuals

10. The average line

multi fact tables

 Power BI Modelling — Using a Multi-Fact Model | by Peter Hui | Towards Data Science

So maybe you are thinking of having a multi-fact table model, how do you go about doing this?

You will need to do the following. I have provided an example from the few points above.

  1. Identify the two fact tables — Budget vs Expenses
  2. Agree on the granularity — Monthly, with the ability to drill
  3. Identify the common dimensions — Region and Dates
  4. Link the dimensions — Only 1: Many joins





Gary Bishop

 "Life won't stop for your pauses and procrastinations. It won't stop for your confusion or fear. It will continue right along without you. Whether you play an active part or not, the show will go on."


star schema in pbi

 Implementing Star Schemas in Power BI Desktop (sqlshack.com)

Star schema refers to the logical description of datasets where data is divided into facts tables and dimension tables.

The facts table contains the actual information and the dimensions table contains the related information. Star schema is very similar to a one-to-many relationship, where a table can have multiple/duplicate foreign keys from a foreign key column.


sleep divorce

 A sleep divorce is nothing more than a couple (or thruple etc.) making the decision to sleep apart. Experts say if your partner is disrupting your sleep and you want to fix that problem, it’s a sign that you care about your relationship and health.

Time for a sleep divorce? The relationship trend and its celebrity fans (msn.com)



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