
Stofe Buhusi - traditie din 1885


SQL to quickly generate 24h slices from dmitri


trunc(sysdate)+(rownum-1)/24 dt_start,

trunc(sysdate)+(rownum)/24 dt_end

from (

-- generate 32 (2^5) dummy rows


) dummy32

where rownum <= 24;





concerns that one might miss an opportunity for social interaction, a novel experience or a profitable investment

Smartphones enable people to remain in contact with their social and professional network continuously. This may result in compulsive checking for status updates and messages, for fear of missing an opportunity.


nifi avro error conversion of records after upgrade to nifi 1.12

 nifi avro error conversion of records

nifi Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid decimal precision: 0 (must be positive) at

solution: use querydatabasetable instead of querydatabasetablerecord


toyota avensis t27 check parking brake system check vsc

 If you have a toyota avensis t27 and you encounter the error message:

check parking brake + check vsc, please do the following : change your BACK CALLIPERS 

In rare case, you could have a defective EPB unit, but those are very rare chances. So, first of all, replace your back callipers (and back braking pads)


time series analysis




knime workflow that puts column names in upper case


When transfering data from postgresql or redshift to oracle, column names default lowecase. Is there any way to create table column names uppercass?



 "E usor sa faci caterinca atunci cand nu esti afectat si sa te exprimi tu asa, lejereanu’ si chill ca o bere corporate in beraria H, ca ar trebui sa se dea lockdown, sa se inchida tot, sa se bage in puscarii toti covidiotii, lapidati toti cei cu pareri diferite. Probabil fix asa era in Germania nazista cu evreii. Majoritatea nemtilor o duceau ok sub Hitler si toti carcotasii care comentau de ce se intampla cu evreii, cu fascismul, cu razboiul erau trimisi la plimbare sau chiar denuntati de populatie ca fiind “conspiratori bolsevici”. Totul s-a terminat cu o ploaie de foc peste intreaga populatie germana.

Revenind, ce nu intelegeti e ca pentru unii, somaj, saracie, lipsa perspective, datorii imense, eventual si copiii mici pe care ti-e imposibil sa-i cresti si peste toate, lockdown ca sa ai timp sa interiorizezi toate astea e mult mai distructiv decat un virus pe care poate il iei, poate nu iar daca-l iei, poate mori, poate nu.

Compari o certitudine: foamea cu o posibilitate: moartea

Da ma rog, empatia nu a caracterizat niciodata populatia romana. Bittman in elucubratiile lui reprezinta vocea disperata a unor milioane de romani aflati intr-o situatie maro si fara speranta.

Noroc cu itistii si cu corporate care striga aici: “dar sa se recalifice dom’le, ce atata tragedie, e virusul si asta e” dupa care isi verifica salariul intrat in cont si in octombrie. yeap, that’s life."


learn statistics by visual examples



nifi and image processing with google vision



mr mustache

 It is ridiculous to commute by car to work if you realize how expensive it is to drive, and if you value your time at anything close to what you get paid.



Te mişti în direcţia oamenilor cu care te asociezi”, a răspuns Buffett.


from zero to hackaton


In closing, from this experience I found a reserve of energy I never know I had; the kind of energy which can only be found when you have a deep interest and passion for the subject you are learning bolstered by the camaraderie of newly found friends and colleagues. I also found that you simply cannot learn in a vacuum and that requires the help of others to fully realize your potential. And that you need to be pushed and provided a goal to work toward and succeed. Finally, I learned that hackathons are probably the best opportunity any conference can provide for social and networking opportunities; so take advantage of them when the opportunity may arise.


 we are here to build. Widely distributed article by Marc Andreessen titled “It is time to Build ‘’, asks the world to focus on building. I couldn’t agree more with the benefits of the mental shift that a slogan like that creates. Building anything requires forethought and commitment. It reduces emotions. In a world overloaded with emotion, it is a helpful shift today. This is not to minimize the importance of fighting for social justice. It is just another way to help us all grow.



ford powershift dual clutch (dry)




 „Filmul este construit în jurul dramelor unei familii şi, păstrând proporţiile, în jurul uneia dintre cele mai mari dileme ale omului modern: să revină la natură, unde viaţa este liberă, dar plină de lipsuri, fără beneficiile civilizaţiei sau să fie parte dintr-o societate care le oferă oportunitatea unei vieţi confortabile doar celor dispuşi să îmbrăţişeze presiunile şi compromisurile care vin la pachet cu definiţia general acceptată a civilizaţiei”, spune regizorul Radu Ciorniciuc.


roi for mes


Addy Osmani

 First do it, then do it right, then do it better


 învățarea nu este despre școală, doar.

Învățarea nu este despre teme, doar.

Învățarea nu este despre note, doar.

Învățarea nu este despre ceea ce predau profesorii, doar.

Învățarea este viață.



el dorado


bryteflow avro orc parquet file comparison



conectarea camerelor cctv

 Conectarea semnalului video de la camerele de supraveghere analogice la un DVR se poate face in 2 moduri:

1. Prin cablu de internet (UTP / FTP, numit si cablu ethernet) si conector video balun.

2. Prin cablu coaxial si conector BNC



“Component 'COMDLG32.OCX' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid.”

MicroStrategy Developer (both v10.4 and v11.2) stopped working since an SAP update which was automatically executed by Landesk for SAP Frontend Update (20.07.2020). After which, when trying to log in to MicroStrategy Developer an error message occur and user will get an error message “Component   'COMDLG32.OCX' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid.”

download a correct ocx file version and link it with regsrv32.exe