
RATE_LIMIT on listener

How To Control the Amount of Connections Handled by the TNS Listener [ID 443744.1]

2011-02-24 Agent Deployment (push method) fails on AIX 6.1 Agent Deployment (push method) fails on AIX 6.1 [ID 889176.1]

The Installer (OUI) Detects Processes Running on ORACLE_HOME on AIX 6.1 TL04 SP1

The Installer (OUI) Detects Processes Running on ORACLE_HOME on AIX 6.1 TL04 SP1 [ID 980602.1]

The binder was killed by a signal: Segmentation fault

Linking Fails With "ld: 0706-010 The binder was killed by a signal: Segmentation fault" On AIX 6.1 [ID 1264074.1]



In oracle11G, the Calibrate I/O feature is based on a PL/SQL function called DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CALIBRATE_IO(). When Calibrate I/O is invoked
it will generate I/O intensive read-only random I/O (db_block_size) and large-block
(1MByte) sequential I/O workloads. Unlike various external I/O calibration tools, this
tool uses the Oracle code stack and runs in the database, issuing I/O against blocks stored
in the database.


testing = success

"The more I practice, the luckier I seem to get.""If you think safety is expensive, just try having an accident."

The two quotes above I think pretty accurately sum up the importance of preparation and planning. The first has been attributed to various professional golfers over the years and suggests luck is never accidental. If things work, they work for a reason and that reason is usually because of good preparation, not good luck.
The second quote has been attributed to various airline industry executives. Here the message is that however much time, and inevitably money, that you spend making sure your planes do not crash, it will cost you considerably more if one of them does.
The real message is of course that planning and preparation pay off in the long term. 






SSL Handshake Error In Discoverer Plus With JInitiator After Verisign Certificate Renewal [ID 946034.1]

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: java.io.IOException: javax.net.ssl.SSLException: SSL handshake failed: X509CertChainInvalidErr

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: java.io.IOException: javax.net.ssl.SSLException: SSL handshake failed: X509CertChainInvalidErr
see also : http://www.oratransplant.nl/2005/07/11/using-self-signed-ssl-certificates-with-jinitiator/

X509CertChainInvalidErr When Accessing TMS After Enabling SSL [ID 1160754.1]

ORA-14292: Partitioning type of table must match subpartitioning type of composite partition

Exchange Partitions - Common Problems [ID 198120.1]


Pmon Failed To Acquire Latch

"Pmon Failed To Acquire Latch" Messages in Alert Log -Database Hung [ID 468740.1]