
FORCE LOGGING is irrelevant in NOARCHIVELOG mode

FORCE LOGGING is irrelevant in NOARCHIVELOG mode; this was a change introduced in 11g.

ORA-27302: Failure Occurred At: Skgpalive1

ORA-27300, ORA-27301, ORA-27302: Failure Occurred At: Skgpalive1 During 'Shutdown' [ID 356640.1]


controlfile sequential read

In case this wait event is very annoying in you awr reports, see if there is any datafile offline or in recover.



Bug 6512811 - ORA-39726 adding column to table after it is uncompressed (by ALTER TABLE .. MOVE) [ID 6512811.8]


ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kdiblcfls:rowidIllegal], [130], [128], [], [], [], [], []

This error is likely to be linked to the ORA-28604  . Drop the indexes on the table involved and then recreate them


ORA-600 [kcblasm_1]

ORA-600 [kcblasm_1] When a SELECT With Hash Join Is Involved [ID 1133845.1]


ORA-600 [prshntcb-1]

Bug 8705594  OERI [prshntcb-1] when PARALLEL hint syntax reversed



"Concluzia e trista- consumam din ce in ce mai mult, mai ales lucruri de care nu avem nevoie. In urma cu ceva vreme o prietena imi spunea urmatoarele: cu cat castigi mai mult, cu atat consumi mai mult si nevoile iti cresc. Si in ciuda eforturilor noastre, intotdeauna va exista ceva mai bun decat ceea ce avem noi, cel putin cand vine vorba de partea materiala.
Mersul la cumparaturi a devenit si la noi o modalitate de distractie, de a scapa de stres, de nervi, de a depasi depresii etc. De abia imi mai aduc aminte timpurile in care mergeam la cumparaturi fiindca aveam nevoie de ceva: ghete noi deoarece perechea veche imi ramasese mica, un tricou nou pentru a-l inlocui pe cel agatat etc. Bineinteles, pe atunci eram copil iar hainele nu valorau prea mult in mintea mea. Acum, am nevoie costume pentru munca dar si de tinute pentru timpul liber. Citeam pe undeva ca astazi purtam, in medie, de patru ori mai multe haine decat se purtau acum 25-30 de ani. Cumparam mai mult si mai prost, nu in sensul de calitate si pret, ci de armonizare cu venitul si posibilitatile noastre.


ORA-12839: cannot modify an object in parallel after modifying

Mappings Fail with ORA-12839 Ater Upgrade Oracle Database From To [ID 1314402.1]


ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4454]

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4454]
Large SQL Statement Fails With ORA-600 [4454] [ID 353190.1]


This procedure is used in capacity planning to determine the size of the table given various attributes. The size of the object can vary widely based on the tablespace storage attributes, tablespace block size, and so on. There are two overloads of this procedure.
·         The first version takes the column information of the table as argument and outputs the table size.
·         The second version takes the average row size of the table as argument and outputs the table size.


To start a pre11gR2 database in 11gR2 Grid Infrastructure environment, node(s) must be pinned.

Document TitlePre 11.2 Database Issues in 11gR2 Grid Infrastructure Environment (Doc ID 948456.1)

gipchaLowerProcessNode: no valid interfaces found to node Grid Infrastructure upgrade/install on >1 node cluster failing with "gipchaLowerProcessNode: no valid interfaces found to node" in crsd.log (Doc ID 1280234.1)

how to download grid infrastructure Patchset Location For Grid Infrastructure And RDBMS.

Doc ID 1223673.1


memory resize operations in 11G
