
how to install perl for oracle


Ok, so i got it working as below. putting the details steps for someone to refer (or may myself in future if i forget)
I am using 64 bit linux box, so select your RPM filename accordingly.
  • set below variables:
    MacOS users will need:
    Also add ORACLE_HOME to your PATH variable.
  • download DBD::Oracle from CPAN
  • untar the module and run below commands in given sequence:
    perl Makefile.PL
    make install
DONE !!!
Issues I had faced were due to the wrong LD_LIBRARY_PATH. I had set it to /usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client64 whereas the correct value is /usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client64/lib.

de Jurca Marinela Florina.

~ De azi îți sunt povară, mă iartă drag copil ~
"De azi îți sunt povară, mă iartă drag copil
Sunt un bătrân bolnav, cu sufletul umil
Uit atât de multe, sunt speriat de viață 
Dar vreau ca să te știu, cu zâmbetul pe față.
Te-am legănat pe brațe, când te durea ceva
Doar eu cu mama ta, nimeni altcineva.
Azi brațul meu bătrân, îmi tremură într-una
Și timpul m-a uscat, băiatul meu, ca pruna.
Când tu erai copil, și ne-ntrebai mereu...
La toate-ți răspundeam, nu ne era prea greu.
Cu mintea mea uitucă, pun întrebări prea multe
Dar sunt nevinovate, nu vor să te insulte.
Nu mă certa copile, de vărs supa pe mine
Când tu erai copil, eu nu țipam la tine.
Așa e legea firii, omu' spre bătrânețe...
Precum copilul mic, din nou 'tre să învețe.
Îndură-te de mine, deși îți sunt povară
Bătrânețea, știi? Atât mi-e de amară!
Mai stau un timp cu tine, dar la un asfințit
Se va găta amarul, mi-e viața pe sfârșit!
Eu voi pleca copile, să fiu cu a ta mamă
O tot aud într-una, pe nume cum mă cheamă!
N-am să-ți mai fiu povară, mă iartă de ți-am fost
În inimă la tine, căutat-am adăpost!"


Adrian Petrescu - Poli



Transfer aborted: the qtree is not the source for the replication destination.

If you have the following error (Transfer aborted: the qtree is not the source for the replication destination.
) when you try to (re)start an OSSV backups , the solution  is to go to the server ( where you installed ossv ) and type :

/usr/snapvault/bin/snapvault release ....




Expect is an interesting utility that allows interactive sessions to be scripted. Unlike here documents, expect scripts can implement conditional scripts based on the output of the program which they are interacting with. I saw this utility used in a Dell whitepaper on SAN snapshot management and vowed to investigate it when I had the chance.
Expect was not installed by default in my OEL5U6 VM, but it was included in the software distribution, so I installed it using
rpm -ivh expect-5.43.0-5.1.x86_64.rpm
Expect depends on TCL and optionally on TK, but these were already installed in my VM as part of my default configuration.
This was my first attempt (t3.exp):
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
spawn /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/OPatch/ocm/bin/emocmrsp \
-no_banner -output /home/oracle/expect/ocm3.rsp
expect {
  "Email address/User Name:"
    send "\n"
  "Do you wish to remain uninformed of security issues*"
    send "Y\n"
Expect is similar to a shell scripting language so a directive can be included in the first line to use /usr/bin/expect as shown above. In this case the -f flag indicates that the remainder of the file is the expect script.
The first action is to execute emocmrsp using the spawn directive. The rest of the script consists of an expect command. When emocmrsp prints the line “Email address/User Name:” expect will respond with a newline character. When emocmrsp prints the security issues question, expect will respond with a Y followed by a newline character.

