

If you have huge trace file with the following trace
[1381998723786640] kgnfs_flushmsg:4808: CH OUT of ORDER SEND m->order 197816641 ch->order -1 ch 0xa0d530640
[1381998723947502] kgnfs_flushmsg:4808: CH OUT of ORDER SEND m->order 197816642 ch->order -1 ch 0xa0d530640

Seems like you are hitting below bug:

dnfs patches

Recommended Patches for Direct NFS Client (Doc ID 1495104.1)


low pib


Nu comentez aici hățișul de legături subterane care au făcut din PSD, probabil, cel mai corupt partid din țară, nici incapacitatea actualului premier de a-și reforma propria ogradă. Chestiunile acestea țin, mai degrabă, de lupta politică, nu fac obiectul atenției noastre. Dar atunci când se produc atingeri grave mediului de afaceri prin invalidarea Statului de Drept, chestiunile sunt mai serioase decât pare la prima vedere. și ne afectează în mod direct nivelul de trai. Aș vrea să subliniez aici un lucru: cetățenii unei țări corupte sunt săraci. Cu cât corupția este mai mare și mai instituționalizată, cu atât sărăcia este mai mare și mai extinsă în toate păturile societății. Iar singura piedică în calea epidemiei o constituie o Justiție independentă. 


Şomajul în masă, mai ales în rândul tinerilor, 120 de milioane de europeni care trăiesc la limita sărăciei, riscurile tot mai mari de tulburări sociale şi instabilitate politică, estimate a fi de două-trei ori mai mari decât în alte zone ale lumii, precum şi nesiguranţa ridicată din rândul clasei de mijloc fac împreună viitorul european mai nesigur decât în orice alt moment de după Al Doilea Război Mondial.
"Milioane de europeni trăiesc în nesiguranţă, fără să ştie la ce să se aştepte în viitor. Este una dintre cele mai periculoase stări psihologice. Vedem cum disperarea tăcută se întinde în rândul europenilor, ducând la depresie, resemnare şi pierderea speranţei. Comparativ cu 2009, noi milioane de oameni au ajuns să stea la cozi pentru a fi ajutaţi cu alimente, fără acces la îngrijire medicală sau posibilitatea de a-şi cumpăra medicamente. Milioane de oameni nu au locuri de muncă şi mulţi dintre cei care lucrează încă au dificultăţi să-şi întreţină familiile, din cauza salariilor insuficiente şi preţurilor în creştere puternică", notează organizaţia internaţională.


onn k7



la toate telefoanele te auzi la fel


Why SAS and SATA is not such a great idea

Nexenta had some "issue" reports relating to the mpt driver. In almost all cases, the results are related to situations where people are using SATA drives, and hooking them into SAS configurations.

Although the technology is supposed to work, and sometimes it works well, its a bad idea.
  • SAS drives are generally subjected to more rigorous quality controls. This is the main reason why they cost more. (That and the market will pay more.)
  • SAS to SATA conversion technologies involve a significant level of protocol conversion. While the electricals may be the same, the protocols are quite different.
  • Such conversion technology is generally done in hardware, where only the hardware manufacturer has a chance of debugging problems when they occur.
  • Some of these hardware implementations remove debugging information that would be present in the SATA packet, and just supply "generic" undebuggable data in the SCSI (SAS) error return.
  • The conversion technology creates another potential point of failure.
  • SATA is single ported and SAS is dual ported, so if you want to use SATA drives in a High Available, multipathed system, you need something to translate between a single port and dual port, a so called "interposer". Interposers are very sensitive to errors and interference
  • Nexenta has verified that SAS/SATA expanders combined with high loads of ZFS activity have proven conclusively to be highly toxic.
  • Some of these hardware implementations won't be upgradeable, or at least not easily upgradeable, with software.
  • SATA drives won't have a SCSI GUID (ATA specs don't require it), and so the fabricated GUID (created by the SAS converter) may be different when you move the drive to a different chassis, potentially breaking things that rely on having a stable GUID for the drive.
SATA drives are great when you need low cost storage, and when you are connecting to a system that is purely SATA (such as to an AHCI controller), there is no reason to be concerned. But if you're designing an enterprise storage solution, please consider using SAS all the way to the disk drives, and just skip those cheaper SATA options. You may think SATA looks like a bargain, but when your array goes offline during ZFS scrub or resilver operations because the expander is choking on cache sync commands, you'll really wish you had spent the extra cash up front.
Building a system that relies upon complex protocol conversion in hardware, just adds another level of complexity. And complexity is evil. (KISS). Nexenta advises strongly to spring for the extra cost of drives that are natively SAS. Goofing around with the hybrid SAS/SATA options is just penny wise, and pound foolish. Everything is standardized on SAS. So would you rather have SAS all the way to the disk or SAS all the way and then a have a translation on the SATA disk?

And effectively SATA and SAS have the same price because if you use SATA on an enterprise storage system, you need interposers which have a cost price as well
            SATA$ + Interposer$ = SAS$

BTW: a lot of customer do not know that SAS drives are available in 7200rpm on large 1/2/3/4 TB sizes. They think SAS means 15krpm 450GB drives


the price for purestorage


So when Pure Storage calculates $/GB usable, we make some background assumptions:
All Pure Storage pricing examples are provided as HA, as this is a hard requirement for enterprise deployments
Pure Storage HA doesn’t rely on “mirroring” two arrays, rather it is true active/active clustered controller HA (add HA by adding a controller, not doubling the array or all the flash)
HA, RAID, metadata, and flash management have a combined overhead of 22% in the Pure Storage FlashArray and are included in our usable price (our RAID-3D is better than dual-parity, and can’t be set or adjusted, so this doesn’t vary from 22%)
All the prices quoted here are preliminary, and will be finalized with our GA release
Pure Storage pricing is, in round numbers (varies slightly by model and configuration):
$/GB raw for a HA FlashArray is $20 / GB
$/GB with HA and RAID is $25 / GB
$/GB usable (including HA, RAID, and 5-to-1 data reduction) is $5.00 / GB
$/GB usable (including HA, RAID, and 10-to-1 data reduction) is $2.50 / GB
Note that our Beta customers have commonly seen 5-10x data reduction in database workloads, and 10-20x data reduction in virtualization workloads, all without sacrificing performance. You can test your own potential data reduction on your data sets with our PRE tool.



 Timp de o zi, la fiecare două ore, notează pe o bucată de hârtie exact ce ai făcut, inclusiv lucruri ca: „am citit noutăţile de pe Facebook timp de jumătate de oră“ sau „m-am uitat pe cataloage de produse timp de un sfert de oră“. Vei vedea că există perioade de timp pe care nu le foloseşti aşa cum ţi-ai dori.
