
taran in RO


  • Mă duc la biserică și mă închin că sunt mai multe șanse să mă ajute Dumnezeu decât un păcălici ca tine care o freacă la birou și are păreri. Gestul ăla îmi oferă alinare, copile, că n-am bani de psiholog;
  • Beau că am PTSD, naivule, că mă agresezi de 70 de ani și eu nu ți-am făcut nimic rău, ți-am dat de mâncare, bă omule;
  • Nu mă duc în concediu că n-am cu cine lăsa găinile și porcul și răsadurile, bre, că asta e muncă 7 din 7, nu pot să rup ușa vineri la 3 să mă fac frumos pentru concert;

“exposure to fine particles in polluted air.” It’s worse than cigarette smoking. It’s worse than wars. It’s worse than auto accidents.




It’s worse than cigarette smoking. It’s worse than wars. It’s worse than auto accidents.      


The World Health Organization estimates that roughly 7 million people die every year from “exposure to fine particles in polluted air.” That’s at least double the number of people who died globally from Covid in 2020, and more than five times the number of people killed every year in car crashes. The more proximate causes of the pollution deaths include pneumonia, stroke, and heart disease. The economic costs of pollution are also massive: one estimate puts it at nearly $3 trillion a year, more than 3 percent of global GDP. Andrea La Nauze again.


hungry ghosts


In bestsellerul sau de referinta, Pe taramul fantomelor infometate, dr. Gabor Mate ne introduce in lumea promiscua, greu accesibila a dependentei, care isi poarta chipul cel mai hidos in suburbiile lumii, printre dependentii de droguri. Prezentandu-ne aceasta lume tulburatoare, el ne arata ca nu este vorba o conditie medicala oarecare ce poate fi tratata in clinici si spitale. De la formele sale mai benigne, dependentele comportamentale, la cele mai maligne, care cauzeaza ravagii in viata intima si sociala si in organismul individului, dependenta este mai degraba un continuum, fiecare dintre noi cazandu-i prada sub diverse forme. Este rezultatul unei istorii de viata in care mediul a influentat genetica mai mult decat vrem sa acceptam ca societate. Impletind detalii din povestea personala cu povestile pacientilor sai din Downtown Eastside (un cartier rau-famat al Vancouverului) si cu o descriere elocventa a celor mai importante concluzii ale studiilor stiintifice din domeniul neurobiologiei adictiei, Mate invita la compasiune, flexibilitate si, nu in ultimul rand, la acceptare. El ne vorbeste despre durere, despre trauma, dar si despre puterea autenticitatii si a relatiei umane. Daca trebuie sa facem tot ce putem mai bine, uneori cel mai bine inseamna sa ne asiguram ca se intampla raul cel mai mic, ne consiliaza autorul.

O lucrare de o luciditate extrema, in care atat specialistii din domeniul sanatatii mintale, dar si cei implicati la nivel social in politicile de sanatate vor descoperi multa inspiratie. Familiile celor afectati de dependente severe vor gasi in paginile cartii multe raspunsuri edificatoare.


Intr-o stare de lipsa spirituala, vom fi ademeniti de orice are capacitatea de a ne face insensibili fata de frica noastra. In fond, aceasta este originea procesului dependentei, din moment ce insasi esenta acestui proces este efortul de a asimila din exterior in interior ceea ce in mod normal se naste numai din interior. Daca respingem legatura cu "Ierusalimul" - "Orasul pacii" interioare - in favoarea placerilor lumesti, ne focalizam atentia asupra surselor externe de placere, de putere sau de sens. Cu cat este mai risipita bucuria interioara izvorata din realitatea de a fi in viata, cu atat mai pasionat vom cauta acel slab inlocuitor al bucuriei, placerea. Cu cat puterea noastra interioara este mai mica, cu atat dorinta noastra dupa putere este mai mare. Cu cat constientizarea adevarului este mai plapanda, cu atat este mai disperata cautarea dupa certitudine in afara fiintei noastre. Cu cat este mai mare teama, cu atat este mai puternica atractia gravitationala a procesului dependentei.

Cand suntem preocupati sa ne indeplinim nevoile noastre false, nu putem suporta sa vedem nevoile reale ale celorlalti - cu atat mai putin pe cele ale copiilor nostri.

Cu alte cuvinte, opioidele sunt fundatia chimica a sistemului emotional din creier care este responsabil de protejarea si de ingrijirea vietii bebelusului. Asadar, dependenta de narcotice precum morfina si heroina se dezvolta intr-un sistem al creierului care guverneaza cea mai puternica dinamica emotionala din existenta umana: instinctul de atasament. Iubirea.

Gabor Mate 

OMD - one meal a day


1. Save Money

When you eat only one meal a day, there is no doubt you will save money. I estimate your savings to be at least $600 per month. When you cut down on the amount of 

groceries you have to buy, as well as the number of times you eat out, the savings can be significant.

2. Save Time

People spend a lot of time on food. Whether it's due to grocery shopping, meal prepping, eating, cleaning up, or packing something for on the go, the work and time 

to make several meals a day add up. Without as much time dedicated to food, you can do other things more productive and exciting to you.

3. Improve Digestion

Fasting for so long each day can really help take the pressure off the digestive system. It gives your gallbladder, stomach, pancreas, and large bowel a rest. The one meal a day meal plan can be especially helpful for people with digestive issues, like irritable bowel syndrome.

4. Boost the Immune System

Going for long periods of fasting is a powerful way to increase immune activity. Whether you have allergies, autoimmune conditions, or inflammatory conditions, intermittent fasting is a great choice. In this video, watch me explain more about this connection and how fasting might even help fight cancer.

5. Increase Autophagy

Autophagy refers to a process in the body in which damaged cell parts are recycled into new tissues. It also helps rid the body of things like viruses, mold, fungi, and candida. Fasting boosts this recycling and detoxifying process. This strengthens the immune system and keeps the body fresh and healthy. Learn more about autophagy in this video.

6. Live Longer

Fasting is a great anti-aging tool that promotes long, healthy living. This is linked to how fasting increases autophagy. It is also related to how fasting boosts human growth hormone, a potent anti-aging factor.

7. Reduce Hunger

You might think that if you are limited to food only once a day, you'll be starving the rest of the day. But when you fully adapt to this way of eating and your body fully transitions into fat-burning mode, hunger actually goes away. You feel a lot less hungry overall.

8. Get Rid of Cravings

Once your body is fully keto-adapted, you don’t experience cravings anymore. It takes a while to get there but not having to fight cravings ever again is an excellent benefit.

9. Have Great Skin

This pattern of eating can help your skin look and feel great. You may experience smoother, younger skin due to the anti-aging effects and increased autophagy benefits.

10. Increase Energy

People Jumping | Benefits of Only Eating One Meal A Day

Wouldn't it feel great to experience light, bubbly energy? That is what you can look forward to when doing the one meal a day diet: tons of physical energy.

RELATED: What Nutrients Are Recommended on OMAD or One Meal a Day

11. Improve Mood

A lot of mood problems are due to underlying blood sugar problems. This is the case for things like depression and anxiety. When you fast and Fat Storing Hormone and blood sugar issues get under control, your mood improves, and you feel so much better.

12. Increase Cognitive Function

This pattern of eating is really great for boosting cognition. It can benefit things like dementia, poor memory, lack of focus, and trouble concentrating. Once your body is used to this style of eating, all of that improves.

13. Decrease Inflammatory Conditions

Relief from conditions such as arthritis, tendonitis, and bursitis can happen when you only have one meal a day. This is because the blood sugar issues are often at the root of inflammation. When you correct those problems, the inflammation decreases.

14. Decrease Blood Pressure

High Fat Storing Hormone is behind high blood pressure. OMAD decreases Fat Storing Hormone in the body, bringing your blood pressure down along with it.

15. Protect Your Arteries and Heart

Intermittent fasting, especially one meal a day, helps protect your arteries. Again, this comes down to Fat Storing Hormone levels. Fat Storing Hormone resistance and diabetes can cause lots of problems to your arteries and can result in heart problems, too. Fixing that through prolonged fasting supports a healthy heart.

16. Improve Dementia

As mentioned earlier, problems with Fat Storing Hormone resistance can contribute to memory problems, and this can lead to dementia. Intermittent fasting can help improve these conditions. Learn more about the link between Fat Storing Hormone and memory in this video.

17. Improve Diabetes

Are your blood sugar levels out of control? Do you have diabetes? The ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting can help you improve your condition. A low-carb keto diet along with intermittent fasting are two great tools for diabetes. Watch me explain more in this video. It works for both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.

18. Fix a Fatty Liver

This extreme style of intermittent fasting actually helps take fat off of the liver. This can help correct fatty liver disease. Learn more about reversing a fatty liver here.

19. Turn the Body into a Fat Burning Machine

Couple Exercising | Benefits of Only Eating One Meal A Day

One of the benefits people love the most about the OMAD diet is helping them lose weight. When in full fasting mode, your body becomes well-adapted to burning fat. When you eat this way, you burn fat and get a flatter belly.

20. Improve Your Personal Discipline

The ability to withstand any food consumption for 23 hours takes true willpower. Doing this extreme intermittent fasting schedule is a practice. It is one that takes a lot of self-discipline. It as an exercise in strengthening your personal willpower and discipline.

21. Improve Muscles

You might be worried you'll harm your muscles if you don't eat for so long daily. However, fasting allows the growth hormone to be boosted, which helps protect against muscle loss. In fact, fasting actually helps increase muscle density and mass, not the other way around.

22. Fix a Slow Metabolism

If you have a slow metabolism, then this is truly the style of eating meant for you. It helps raise your metabolism and shed fat. Learn more about fixing a slow metabolism here.

23. Boost Mental Clarity

People who try the one meal a day diet report feeling really, really good mentally. Some even report a euphoric-type feeling. In fact, once they start eating, that is when they actually feel worse. Fasting is a powerful way to experience better mental clarity and sharpness.


A Review of the Health Benefits of Eating One Meal a Day

If you are willing to step out of your comfort zone and try something a bit out of the box — eating only one meal a day — you may be pleasantly surprised by the positive results. There are countless health benefits to this particular form of fasting, as well as some practical conveniences. To review, some of these include:

Getting time and money back from food

Protecting yourself against disease and common health issues

Experiencing weight or fat loss

Feeling better mentally and physically

Ditching constant hunger and cravings

Whether you are interested in it for weight loss, convenience, energy levels, or something else, giving OMAD a try may well be worth your while. I highly recommend combining one meal a day with my keto diet guidelines. This means avoiding carbs, eating lots of nutrient-dense superfoods, and choosing good sources of fats and proteins. Learn more about my diet plan here.

Remember, I only suggest this one meal a day diet if you build up to it slowly. Take your time with intermittent fasting and gradually increase the amount of time you fast daily. Only once you've let your body adjust to fasting can you fast for 23 hours per day successfully.




Dependențele de orice fel, iată, nu sunt „eșecuri personale”, iar oamenii care suferă de ele nu sunt „greșiți” sau „defecți” și nu trebuie „îndreptați” prin pedepse. Dependențele sunt doar încercări ale creierului de a suplini cumva o lipsă acută de conexiune cu comunitatea, cu persoane semnificative în viața omului.

 Într-o societate atât de insularizată ca cea actuală, creierele noastre sunt aproape mereu în dezechilibru – ușor, foarte ușor să devii dependent.