Pentru a pregăti chefirul, se pun 1-2 lingurițe de ciupercă într-un borcan de sticlă de 200 mg și se adaugă 200-300 ml de lapte dulce. Se lasă să fermenteze timp de 8-24 de ore, în funcție de temperatura mediului ambiental, fără a închide ermetic capacul, ci doar cu capacul pus invers pe borcan. După 8-12 ore, laptele fermentează suficient și capătă proprietățile necesare pentru a fi considerat tratament. Trebuie să gustăm și să oprim fermentarea după intervalul optim, luând în considerare condițiile de mediu.Pentru consum, se strecoară laptele printr-o sită de plastic cu orificii cât mai mici (chiar sub 1 mm), într-un vas de sticlă. Astfel rezultă băutura de chefir (lapte fermentat) care se consumă în scopuri terapeutice. Ciuperca din sită se spală sub un jet de apă rece pentru a elimina reziduurile de lapte fermentat. Apoi, ciuperca se reașează în borcanul spălat și se adaugă o nouă porție de lapte dulce, crud, nefiert.
soen lotus
Gather around,
All the things that we admire.
To be here is where I wanted to be,
To abandon who I was.
Gather around,
As we’re pushed towards the fire.
We’ve been tricked into believing that all
Starts and ends within our walls.
Gather around,
Holding close your sons and daughters.
Promise them that we will all be alright
Let them know you love them all.
Talk to yourself,
Let your essence be the answer,
While we chase the meaning of who we are,
Navigating through a storm.
Gather around and follow me,
Something misled us to this.
Wanting it all is poverty,
Rich is the one who is free.
Be the one who wakes up,
All of those who roam.
Shake your head to the sides, wake the animal inside of you.
Run away from it all let the wildness be your home.
Plant a tree, kill a man, let your instincts be in charge of you.
Where you walk, what you dream, measures who you really are.
Turn to your friends,
Let them face the one you mirror.
And the demons that now rest on your side,
They will leave you on your own.
Huberman and dopamine
This video is an interview with Andrew Huberman, a neuroscientist and podcaster. The interview covers a wide range of topics, including dopamine, sleep, meditation, and friendship. Huberman discusses how these topics can be used to improve one's life and achieve peak performance. He also shares his own personal story of overcoming adversity and achieving success.
Here are some of the key points from the interview:
- Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that plays a role in motivation, pleasure, and reward. It is important to maintain a healthy balance of dopamine in order to avoid addiction and burnout.
- Sleep is essential for good health and cognitive function. It is important to get enough sleep each night and to establish a regular sleep schedule.
- Meditation is a powerful tool for stress reduction and relaxation. It can also help to improve focus and concentration.
- Friendship is an important part of a healthy life. Friends can provide support, encouragement, and companionship.
Huberman also discusses the importance of setting goals and taking action. He encourages viewers to set realistic goals and to break them down into smaller steps. He also emphasizes the importance of perseverance and not giving up on one's goals.
Overall, this video is a valuable resource for anyone who is interested in improving their life and achieving their goals. Huberman provides a wealth of information and insights that can be applied to a variety of situations.
chiftele de peste
Era un cuplu care se săruta în scara blocului, când deodată sosește tatăl fetei.
Ea își aranjează repede fusta, bluza și părul.Tatăl îi spune iubitului:
– Bună fiule, ești bine? Hai sus sa cinăm, cred ca ești epuizat!
– Nu, mulțumesc foarte mult domnule, eu tocmai plecam.
– Nu, tinere, urcă!
Până la urmă își ia inima-n dinți, urcă și mama fetei foarte încântată de vizită, îi servește cu o sticlă de vin și niște chiftele.
Băiatul încearcă primul și îi spune doamnei:
– Aceste chiftele de pește sunt grozave!
Tatăl în acel moment dându-i una peste cap îi spune:
– Servește-te cu cealaltă mână ca sunt de pui!
impozitarea crypto
"Ideea ca ANAF habar nu are de conturile voastre cripto este 100% falsa.
Daca aveti portofele private, acestea inca nu pot fi urmarite, dar vor putea fi incepand din 2027, deoarece de la acea data vor fi intrezise orice tranzactii anonime cu crypto, inclusiv cele realizate intre persoane fizice
daca aveti un profit nerealizat, adica moneda crypto a crescut in valoare dar nu ati schimbat efectiv acea moneda in fiat, nu se datoreaza impozit.
Nu se datoreaza impozit nici daca schimbati o moneda crypto intr-o alta moneda crypto (fara sa treceti intai prin moneda fiat). Datorati impozit doar cand schimbati (ultima) moneda crypto in fiat
Daca achizitionati bunuri sau servicii cu moneda cripto, atunci se considera ca pretul bunului sau serviciului este exprimat in fiat si doar plata efectiva se face in cripto
Impozitul datorat este de 10% si se datoreaza si CASS daca se depasesc pragurile legale, primul fiind cel de 6 salarii minime.
Pierderea nu se deduce, nu se declara. Nu uitati ca tranzactiile din care ati inregistrat pierdere nu se iau in calcul, pierderea nu o puteti scadea din castigurile realizate in anul respectiv, chiar daca per total pe toate tranzactiile ati realizat pierdere."
Gabriel Diaconu ADHD
ADHD înseamnă două lucruri: probleme cu capacitatea copilului de a se concentra la o activitate suficient cât s-o ducă la bun sfârșit, respectiv un comportament motor excesiv.
curatare trapa
"It Didn't Start With You" by Mark Wolynn
"It Didn't Start With You" by Mark Wolynn explores the idea that our emotional struggles can be rooted in inherited family trauma. The book argues that traumatic experiences can be passed down through generations, affecting our behavior and well-being even if we weren't directly exposed to the trauma itself.
Here are the key takeaways:
- Generational Trauma: The book explores the concept of inherited trauma, where unresolved emotional wounds from past generations can be passed down biologically and emotionally, influencing our present lives.
- Understanding the Root Cause: By understanding how past traumas might be impacting you, you can gain a new perspective on your current struggles.
- Breaking the Cycle: The book offers methods for identifying and healing from inherited trauma. This includes creating a "Core Language Map" to recognize patterns and emotional triggers.
Overall, "It Didn't Start With You" provides a framework for understanding how family history can shape us and offers tools for interrupting negative cycles and achieving personal growth.
Iza Mara
"Fiule, tu să ai noroc!
Eu nu l-am avut deloc.
Am luat a doua soţie
Din Văleni, soţia Mărie
Cu mine şi-a petrecut
Cu ea copii n-am avut.
Am plecat în Belgia
Pe un TIR cu soţia.
Conduceam şi zi, şi noapte
Alte ţări îndepărtate.
Ultima plecare-a mea
Mi-o fost către Germania.
Sub podul din Belgia
Un capac mi-l arunca.
De pe pod l-au aruncat
Prin parbriz accidentat
Eu pe loc am şi murit
Soţia nimic n-o ştiut
Soţia TIR-ul conducea
Am murit în braţe la ea
Soţia m-a luat în braţe
S-a scurtat a mea viaţă.
O anunţat salvarea,
Doctorii, poliţia.
Cu toţi din Belgia-au venit
A mea viaţă s-a sfârşit.
S-a dus vestea-n toată ţara
Şi pe Iza, şi pe Mara.
Fratele şi mama mea,
Ei, când au aflat vestea,
Tare rău s-au supărat
Auzind ce s-a-ntâmplat
Bărbaţii cu suflet rău
Mi-au luat sufletul meu.
Poate-aşa mi-a fost sortit.
Doar atâta de trăit.
Sâmbătă, cam după masă,
Cu maşina vin acasă.
De-acasă am plecat viu,
M-am întors într-un sicriu.”
some kind of ' deagg ' function in oracle
Convert comma separated values in a column into rows and Joi... - Ask TOM (
select t.r_id, t.r_name, t.r_role, regexp_substr(t.R_Site, '[^,]+', 1, commas.column_value) as site from MY_TABLE t, table(cast(multiset(select level from dual connect by level <= length (regexp_replace(t.R_Site, '[^,]+')) + 1) as sys.OdciNumberList)) commas order by 1,2,3,4;
2. Distraction is the greatest killer of success. It stunts and destroys your brain.
5. You don't need 100 self-help books, all you need is action and self discipline.
10. Comfort is the worst addiction and cheap ticket to depression.
14. The family you create is more important than the family you come from.
software defined vehicles
This is a podcast by Motor Trend about the future of car. The host is talking about software defined vehicles [SDV] and is joined by Jeff Chow, the co-founder and CEO of Sonatus and Robert Day, the director of goto Market of Automotive goto Market vehicles at Arm.
Sonatus is a company that supplies advanced software for vehicles and the cloud. Arm on the other hand is a company that manufactures computer chips.
The conversation starts with a question from a viewer named DOD Mac who asks if a person can rip out the battery and motors from a Porsche Taycan and put them into a new VW ID7 in order to make it faster. The host says that this might be difficult because the software might not be compatible.
The conversation then goes on to discuss the future of software defined vehicles. Jeff Chow says that in the future, cars will have fewer physical buttons and more software-based controls. This will allow for more customization and features. Robert Day from Arm agrees and says that cars will need more powerful processors to handle all of the data that will be coming from the various sensors in the car.
One of the challenges of software defined vehicles is that it will require a lot of collaboration between different companies. The companies are working together to develop standards and practices for developing and deploying software in cars.
The podcast concludes with a discussion about the economics of EVs. The host says that EVs are becoming more affordable and that he believes they will eventually become the dominant type of car.
the science of thinking
This video talks about how our brains think and why we sometimes make mistakes. The video introduces two characters, System 1 and System 2, to illustrate two different thinking modes.
System 1 is called Gun. It is fast, automatic, and effortless. It makes most of our decisions without us even realizing it. For example, when you read a sentence, Gun automatically fills in the gaps and corrects any errors so that you can understand the meaning.
System 2 is called Drew. It is slow, deliberate, and effortful. It is responsible for complex thinking and reasoning. For example, solving a math problem or making a difficult decision requires Drew's involvement.
The video argues that most of the time, our brains rely on Gun for thinking, which is why we sometimes make mistakes. Gun makes decisions based on shortcuts and heuristics, which can lead to errors. For example, the video mentions a common trick question: a bat and a ball cost $1.10 together, and the bat costs $1 more than the ball. What does the ball cost? Most people will blurt out 10 cents, but the correct answer is 5 cents. Gun jumps to the answer without carefully considering all the information.
The video also explains that Drew is lazy and doesn't like to work hard. So how can we get Drew to work harder? The video suggests a few ways, such as making things difficult to understand. For example, presenting information in a confusing way or using a difficult-to-read font can force Drew to pay more attention and think more carefully. This can lead to better learning and fewer mistakes.
Overall, the video highlights the importance of both Gun and Drew in our thinking process. While Gun's fast and automatic thinking is essential for many everyday tasks, Drew's slow and deliberate thinking is necessary for complex problem-solving and avoiding mistakes.
If we can pay attention to oral diseases and prevent the inflammation of our gum, periodontitis or dental calculus, we can lower the risks of gastric cancer.
"If we can pay attention to oral diseases and prevent the inflammation of our gum, periodontitis or dental calculus, we can lower the risks of gastric cancer."
S. anginosus could also act as a biomarker to show that the patient was at high risk of cancer or required close monitoring, which was important for early diagnosis and prevention.
He said the bacteria was often found in people's mouth and teeth, so maintaining oral hygiene could prevent the emergence of the bacteria and gastric cancer.
"People with periodontitis or dental calculus may carry this bacteria, which may be ingested into the stomach through saliva and lead to other conditions," he said.
orb de mina
" În România e un pic altă treabă și nu are de aface mult cu infrastructura - poți găsi explicații și scuze în frustrări și în faptul că în România concurezi mereu cu ceilalți pentru ceva , cine ajunge primul, sau ultimul la muncă, la mare, la restaurant la pula mea. Este mindsetul ăsta.
Iar asta generează comportamente deviante, mână în mână cu sărăcia, lipsa de educație și faptul că nu există costuri administrative serioase. Nu tăiat de mâini ca la arabi , sau știu eu ce. Bani, că banii ne dor, supraveghere mai atentă, fie și automată ( dar în România au anulat prin lege , excepție de constituționalitate ceva , posibilitatea de a avea camere de viteză - in felul defect în care fuseseră implementate ) și decăderea din drepturi până la dovada îndreptării si reeducării. În loc de șpagă, de exemplu.
Iar comportamentele deviante sunt de tipul - te trezești cu oameni care văd ( cred eu că văd, ar putea fi total retardați) că nu au unde să depășească , că o să intre frontal în tine și totuși se bagă a la chicken game, că o să frânezi tu , pariind in primul rând pe faptul că ești atent la ce fac ei. Oameni care se aruncă în depășiri fără niciun fel de vizibilitate pariind viața lor și pe a ta pe norocul de a nu se întâmplă nimic. Oameni care intra pe interzis și dacă te întâlnești cu ei manifestă tupeu să te dea pe tine la o parte dacă se poate. Astea nu-s pentru că n-au autostrăzi și pentru că sunt camioanele lente, ci pentru că sunt săraci, needucați, probabil trăiesc rău / greu și pun un preț foarte mic pe viața lor, anume trăiesc ca și când nu ar avea nimic de pierdut. Cei mai mulți au, de fapt, dar e un mindset Românesc - ține de competitivitate și sălbăticie, să te prefaci că nu ai nimic de pierdut, până pierzi. Și după aia te vaiți și cauți vinovați - sistemul, drumurile, normal.
Și eu circul tot în România, tot pe drumurile ălea, tot cu oamenii ăia , și pe mine mă deranjează , evident aglomerația și statul pe loc și cu toate astea, am trecut prin și de nivelul ăla unde comportamentul meu trebuie scuzat de lipsa infrastructurii și în general ceilalți. "
G12evo replaces G13 and G12+
G12++ = glycol + Si HOAT
G13 = gycerol + Si HOATG12evo = glycol + PSi HOAT
Apparently phosphate HOAT was common in the Japanese vehicles, while silicate HOAT was common in the German vehicles, back when HOAT got rolling.
If you do go looking at third-party fluids for whatever reason, color means little to jack. Go by the TL standard:
TL774 F - G12+
TL774 G - G12++
TL774 J - G13
TL774 L - G12evo
class war
autocar history
difference between initrd and vmlinuz
vmlinuz files contain the Linux kernel proper.
initrd files are CPIO images, filesystem images.
The boot loader is responsible for loading both the kernel image and the initrd image into memory. They both will be in memory, before the boot loader hands control over to the kernel.
The kernel will receive the address where the initrd is in memory; it will just "interpret" it as if it were a full filesystem, in RAM. (The kernel does actually decompress it first. CPIO is used, because it is simple and robust to implement, requires not too much code, and has all the features needed.)
You can extract an initrd image into current directory using
zcat /boot/initrd... | cpio -i
find . | cpio -o | gzip -c > /tmp/new-initrd
An initrd image will contain a script (or program) called /init (I keep the / in front to highlight that it will be in the root directory of the initrd image). That is the only real process the Linux kernel will start, whether an initrd is used or not. It will be process ID 1. If the process ever exits or crashes, kernel will panic -- but it is so rare you are unlikely to ever see that happen. (Okay, the kernel can start [worker processes], and even run /sbin/modprobe to load modules to satisfy module dependencies, I think, but they don't count. They're just slaves working on specific tasks.)
/init is almost always a POSIX shell script, so feel free to extract an image and read it in your favourite text editor. (An initrd /init will later on exec (replace itself) with the normal init, used during normal operation. If you look at your process list, you will always see process 1, named init.)
The main purpose for an initrd image is to prepare the system for the actual operating system, for example to load the modules the kernel should use. These kernel modules are included as files in the initrd image, usually in /lib/modules/kernelversion/ (again, starting from the root of the initrd image). The initrd will then also contain /sbin/modprobe and/or bin/insmod , /lib/ ,and /lib/ , so that the script can load any kernel module it deems necessary.
First, however, /init will create a few additional directories, and mount the special filesystems. These include /proc, /sys, and usually also /dev (using the devtmpfs filesystem). Then, /init will parse the kernel command line, /proc/cmdline. This is the string you can set in the boot loader, defining how you want to start up your system.
It can then check files and directories in /proc, /sys, and /dev to find out which hardware is present and load the appropriate modules, but we have something much better: udev. udev is a hotplug mechanism, where the kernel tells the userspace udev daemon about all the hardware it finds, and about all hardware events later on, like when you plug in or remove something. udev configuration is ordered as rules, usually in /lib/udev/rules.d/, and it takes care of not only loading the necessary kernel modules, but also creating the necessary symlinks and all that.
It is quite possible to have a DHCP client in an initrd, and use for example NFS for all other filesystems. It is often used for thin clients. The kernel command line may then contain the NFS server name and the name for the machine itself, so it can obtain the correct filesystems. As you can see, that requires only a little thought, and a rather simple initrd, to set up and maintain. (Of course, something like this is impossible with most common proprietary operating systems.)
In Linux, resuming from a suspend-to-disk image (usually called "hibernation") is also done in the initrd. If the initrd detects a suspended image, it will resume it instead of continuing with the normal boot. In fact, there is even an utility called kexec, which can start another kernel altogether, without a full reboot (a "warm reboot").
initrd is, for all intents and purposes, a very small operating system image. It has the singular purpose of preparing the system for the actual operating system you want to use. Typically, it will mount the true root filesystem (named in the kernel command line) -- it must contain basic binaries (/bin and /sbin), libraries (/lib and possibly /lib64), and of course configuration files (/etc). Finally, the /init will replace itself with /sbin/init on the actual system, which will continue with mounting the rest of the filesystems, and starting all the services.
Many distros do require an initrd image, even if your kernel has everything built in, and does not support modules at all. In those cases, the initrd is expected to handle all of the other stuff mentioned above -- for example, starting udev, or looking for a hibernation image.
On other distros, an initrd is not needed, and the init scripts can handle the boot from raw kernel (plus root filesystem) up. For example, you can look at Linux From Scratch to see what those init scripts then have to handle.
The Linux kernel really does not care whether you have an initrd, or if your root filesystem can handle the entire init by itself. It is more of a matter of versatility and ease of management; most distributions have automatic scripts which regenerate initrds when new kernels are installed. If you use Busybox, you can pack a quite usable system into an initrd and be done with it -- many routers actually do that, with the initrd stored on a built-in flash chip.
query scale-out
Query scale-out is a feature in Power BI Premium that allows you to distribute query processing across multiple read-only replicas of a dataset. This can significantly improve the performance of your reports, especially when you have a large number of users or when your dataset is very complex.
Here are some of the benefits of using query scale-out:
- Reduced query latency: When multiple users are querying a dataset, the replicas can share the load, which can significantly reduce the latency of each query.
- Increased throughput: With more replicas, you can handle more queries at the same time, which can improve the overall throughput of your Power BI solution.
- Improved data freshness: Refresh isolation ensures that data refresh operations do not impact query performance, so users can always see up-to-date data.
- Automated scaling: Power BI Premium can automatically scale the number of replicas based on usage, so you don't have to worry about manually adding or removing replicas.
Here are some of the limitations of using query scale-out:
- Increased storage requirements: Each replica of a dataset needs to store the entire dataset, so you will need to have enough storage space to accommodate the replicas.
- Increased network traffic: When users query a dataset, the request must be sent to all of the replicas, so there may be an increase in network traffic.
- Potential for conflicts: If multiple replicas are updating the dataset at the same time, there is a potential for conflicts. Power BI Premium uses a conflict-resolution mechanism to resolve these conflicts, but this can add some overhead.
Overall, query scale-out is a powerful feature that can significantly improve the performance of your Power BI solutions. However, it is important to weigh the benefits and limitations carefully before deciding whether or not to use it.
Am stricat locul de joacă și acum ne plângem de copii - Tudor Galos (
Dintr-un salariu de 1500 EUR/ lună – un salariu bun de corporație, mai ales la început – nu reușești să trăiești uman. Poți trăi decent, cu vacanțe la părinți sau la cort, cu cumpărat haine de la second sau de la reduceri și cu cumpărat alimente la limita expirării. Dar aia nu este viață.
have time for everything
01:18 1. Focus Completely For 2-4 Hours Every Day
03:02 2. Do One Thing At A Time
04:40 3. Permanently Declutter Your Schedule
utter Your Schedule Schedule