
Bug 8943287 : ORA-1578 corrupt block with SQL*Net AUTH strings

English translate 

Din nota 976852.1:

Versiuni afectate : Release: 9.2 to 11.2
This has affected different tablespaces but the most common corruption has been in table TRIGGER$ in the SYSTEM tablespace.

DBVerify output / ORA-1578 occurrences or RMAN backups may report the corruption (but not limited to) with description "Bad header found".

To prevent it, set sqlnet.inbound_connect_timeout=0 in the sqlnet.ora for the Oracle Sever where the SQL*Net listener resides.

To repair the block use RMAN Blockrecover or Datafile media recovery.
 In nota  345197.1 se specifica ca incepand cu versiunea , inbound_connect_timeout are valoarea default de 60 (  posibil motiv pentru mesajele din alert log : WARNING: inbound connection timed out (ORA-3136) )

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