
the minifi can not be installed as a service or the service do not start

error in the log file of the minifi, when trying to run install-service.bat in order to run minifi as a service

Exception in thread "main" on: .\conf\config.yml (The system cannot find the path specified)

edit bootstrap.conf and edit the config file folder as a full path  (see below) 
Double the \ if you are on windows !

# The location for the configuration file
# When running as a Windows service use the full path to the file

from the manual

Running as a Windows Service

MiNiFi can run as a Windows service. To do so, you must modify the conf/bootstrap.conf to set absolute paths for some properties. The properties are:
  • lib.dir (e.g. C:\\minifi-x.x.x\\lib)
  • conf.dir (e.g. C:\\minifi-x.x.x\\conf)
  • nifi.minifi.config (e.g. C:\\minifi-x.x.x\\conf\\config.yml)
You can now install the MiNiFi service by running the install-service.bat script. To remove the service run the delete-service.bat file.
The minifi.exe in MiNiFi bin directory is used to run MiNiFi Windows service. The bundled one is for 64 bit architecture and requires 64 bit JRE. If you have to use 32 bit JRE for some reason, you need to replace the minifi.exe file with the one for 32 bit to make MiNiFi service runs successfully. To do so, go to Commons Daemon project download page, download the binary (e.g. commons-daemon-1.1.0-bin.zip), extract it and replace bin/minifi.exe by copying commons-daemon-x.x.x-bin/prunsrv.exe into MiNiFi bin directory as minifi.exe to overwrite the 64 bit exe with the 32 bit one.


microstrategy list of graphical commands

Please notice that you need to open your “<HOME_PATH>/bin” to find these files: 
MicroStrategy Command Manager – mstrcmdmgrw
MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard – mstrcfgwiz
MicroStrategy Connectivity Configuration Wizard – mstrconnectwiz
MicroStrategy DB Query Tool – mstrdbquerytool
MicroStrategy Diagnostics and Performance Logging – mstrdiag
MicroStrategy Health Center Configuration Wizard – mstrsuppappcfgwiz
MicroStrategy Health Center Center Console – mstrsuppappgui
MicroStrategy License Manager – mstrlicmgr
MicroStrategy ODBC Administrator – mstrodbcadx
MicroStrategy Service Manager – mstrsvcmgr


postgresql partitions partition of table from to inclusive

When creating a range partition, the lower bound specified with FROM is an inclusive bound, whereas the upper bound specified with TO is an exclusive bound.

So in fact in
CREATE TABLE parsel_2014_10 PARTITION OF parsel_part 
     FOR VALUES FROM ('2014-10-01') TO ('2014-10-31');
the date 2014-10-31 is not included in this partition, and hence nowhere in all your partition tables (and same for all ending dates)

6 doctors

“Six Best Doctors in the World…
  • Sunlight
  • Rest
  • Exercise
  • Diet
  • Self Confidence
  • Friends”


ora-00604 ORA-01882: timezone region not found

ORA-604 and ORA-01882 With JDBC Connections to Database (Doc ID 2291718.1)


Apply patch:13417321   DST 18 : HALF YEARLY DST PATCHES, MAY 2012  to the database.
The timezone Etc/UTC support for Oracle database is added via DSTv18 Patch 13417321.
Refer to:
Bug 13417321    - DST 18 : HALF YEARLY DST PATCHES, MAY 2012
Applying the DSTv18 update for the Oracle Database (Doc ID 1448706.1)


As a workaround, set the TZ variable to UTC ($ export TZ=UTC) or use -Duser.timezone=UTC to change it in the JVM. Then, restart the application.


set the connection property oracle.jdbc.timezoneAsRegion to "false".

(This option is not recommended as it will revert to sending a fixed offset on the connection and can reintroduce incorrect DST related behavior, which is why the change in JDBC to use timezone name/region directly if it is a known Oracle one rather than convert to a GMT offset was done in the first place).





ulei in turbina la ford focus 1.6.tdci




In sfarsit erau garniturile la galeria de admisie.

Dupa vreo 5-6 service-uri la care am fost se pare ca Eurial-ul nu dezamageste, au reust sa rezolve problema complet, nu mai e strop de ulei(decat in motor)

Cost final operatiune: 460,54 lei din care aprox 300 au fost manopera. S-a schimbat: garnituri galerie admisi, semering injectoare si garnitura capac culbutori.

2 ani de zile a sangerat dar acum e vindecata.


vasi raduulescu

În tâmpeniile noastre cotidiene, luăm totul de-a gata, ne lamentăm, lenevim, ne batem joc de timp, ne gândim doar la noi, când alții se chinuie în lupte pe care nici nu le putem înțelege cu adevărat.


secretu oamenilor de succes


"Si, privindu-i pe oamenii pe care-i consider eu “de succes” (intr-un mod sau altul), am vazut ca sunt ei foarte diferiti la niste capitole, dar toti au o chestie in comun. Chestia aia, la modul foarte-foarte simplificat, s-ar numi .. FOCUS."

motoare vag de evitat



how to change the oil filers for the CVT transmission in Avensis CVT


or here

or here


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replacement part: 77024-05010




Blaj - Francisc

5 fapte incontestabile ale fericirii:
1- Nu vă educați copiii să fie bogați, educați-i să fie fericiți, astfel încât ei să vadă valoarea lucrurilor și nu prețul lor.
2 - Mâncați mâncarea ca și cum ar fi medicamentul, altfel va trebui să vă luați medicamentul ca și cum ar fi mâncarea.
3 - Persoana care te iubește nu te va părăsi niciodată. Chiar dacă există 100 de motive să renunțe, va găsi un motiv pentru a rămâne.
4 - Există o mare diferență între a fi un om și a fi uman. Foarte puțini o înțeleg.
5 - Erai iubit când te-ai născut și vei fi iubit când vei muri. Între cele două depinde de tine.
Cei mai buni medici din lume sunt: lumina soarelui, odihna, exercițiul, dieta, încrederea în sine și... prietenii.
Păstrați-le în toate etapele vieții și bucurați-vă de o viață sănătoasă. E greu pentru o ființă umană - ea nu cere să se nască, ea nu poate trăi, iar ea nu vrea să moară!
Cel mai bun dar pe care-l poți da cuiva este timpul tău și trebuie întotdeauna să fie dat familiei sau unui bun prieten.


machine learning books

Of course there are also many other introductory books about Machine Learning, in particular:

Joel Grus, Data Science from Scratch (O’Reilly). This book presents the fundamentals of Machine Learning, and implements some of the main algorithms in pure Python (from scratch, as the name suggests).

Stephen Marsland, Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective (Chapman and Hall). This book is a great introduction to Machine Learning, covering a wide range of topics in depth, with code examples in Python (also from scratch, but using NumPy).

Sebastian Raschka, Python Machine Learning (Packt Publishing). Also a great introduction to Machine Learning, this book leverages Python open source libraries (Pylearn 2 and Theano).

François Chollet, Deep Learning with Python (Manning). A very practical book that covers a large range of topics in a clear and concise way, as you might expect from the author of the excellent Keras library. It favors code examples over mathematical theory.

Yaser S. Abu-Mostafa, Malik Magdon-Ismail, and Hsuan-Tien Lin, Learning from Data (AMLBook). A rather theoretical approach to ML, this book provides deep insights, in particular on the bias/variance tradeoff


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imune system


Both you and your immune system need rest.

One of the world’s least valuable clichés is that you can sleep when you die. Much truer is: If you don’t sleep, you will die — sooner. Studies show that lack of sleep leads to premature death through diseases like cancer and heart disease, and the reasons have everything to do with the immune system, notes the Mayo Clinic.

When you don’t sleep, your adrenal hormones don’t shut off, which leads to some dampening of immunity, much like when you’re in fight-or-flight. And research shows that lack of sleep leads to a decrease in first-line immune-system cells known as Natural Killer Cells. If you don’t sleep, you are more susceptible to bacteria and viruses.

But research also shows a rise in “pro-inflammatory” signaling when you don’t sleep enough. What follows can be depression, more stress and a cascade of clashing signals.

“It’s a badge of honor to see how little sleep you can get by on,” said Dr. Michael Irwin, professor of psychiatry and biobehavioral sciences at the David Geffen School of Medicine at U.C.L.A for my book, "An Elegant Defense." “That crazy logic has led to a sleep-deprived society, and that is having huge health consequences.”

Spend Time With Dirt
Exposure to a great variety of germs can help us stay healthy.

The immune system evolved in a time of great peril. Over epochs, we lived in squalor, with abundant disease and without modern tools to sanitize our food, water and homes.

Today, we have all kinds of tools to clean our environments — antibacterial soaps and disinfectants, and a hypochondriac’s obsession with wiping down every surface. But research shows that when we cleanse our entire world, we deprived our immune system of its natural need to learn and spar. And with all our hygiene, we not only cleanse pathogens but also lots of non-threatening microbes that help train the immune system without any harm to us.

The result? A sharp rise in food and skin allergies in industrialized countries. Allergies are basically the immune system creating inflammation in a body in response to something that doesn’t really cause much of a threat. This happens, the science suggests, because people grow up in such sanitized environments that immune systems don’t calibrate properly to the natural world.

It's okay to eat dirt, said Dr. Meg Lemon, a Denver doctor who treats people with allergies and autoimmune disorders.

She was only half-kidding. A few encounters with viruses and bacteria today might forestall an allergy tomorrow. What won’t kill you — and most of the world won’t kill you — will bring balance to your immune system.


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7701208363 - setul de garnituri
509404 - Filtrul deshidrator Valeo

microstrategy custom plugins and visualizations



###How To Use ####
Download visualizations from GitHub and deploy to MicroStrategy Web or Desktop
#####Option 1
  1. Clone this repository or download it as a ZIP file.
  2. Unzip and copy the visualization folders you want directly to your Web or Desktop plugins folder.
  3. Restart your MicroStrategy Web server or Desktop.


ford focus 1.6 diesel probleme cu aer conditionat conducta fisurata din cauza ureche prindere far

ford focus 1.6 tdci
Sal , 

Am un Focus 1.6 TDCI si am ramas fara freon. Problema e designul farurului care sectioneaza conducta de aer conditionat. Cred ca e o problema generala. Se poate vedea in poza 1.jpg cum a fost sectionata conducta. Farul are pe interior o bucata de plastic care , cu timpul , 'taie' teava. Eu am taiat bucata de plastic. In poza 2.jpg se poate vedea ca plasticul A a fost tait. E identic cu plasticul B. Pe conducta in locul unde plasticul atinge teava , cei de la Ford au pus un burete , dar nu tine , e prea slab. 
Solutia a fost sa se sudeze locul respectiv ,poza 3.jpg atasata.
Ii rog pe cei care au timp , sau moderatori , sa creeze un topic separat , cred ca ar ajuta multa lume.

Aceiasi problema am avut-o si eu saptamana trecuta . Fix in aceiasi zona si din aceleasi cauze mi s-a fisurat si mie teava de la AC. Solutia a fost tot lipirea .

aceasi problema am avuto si eu urechile din plastic de la far au sectionat conducta de ac am rupt urechile de la far am cositorit teava 30 ron incarcare freon si acum ac functioneaza ok.


David Eberhard


„Am plecat de la a nu avea voie să le dăm o palmă la fund și am ajuns la a nu avea voie să le zicem nimic care să îi supere sau să îi deranjeze”,

„Copilul nu are nevoie să îi fiți prieten, ci părinte. Nu trebuie să coborâți la nivelul lui, să nu îl contraziceți, să îi faceți tot timpul pe plac, să nu mai aveți nici o putere de decizie. E total greșit. Copilul are nevoie de limite, de opoziție, de disciplină și rigoare”, susține psihiatrul.
Acesta arată că tocmai această relație permisivă părinte-copil a dus la prăbușirea disciplinei în școli și a calității actului educațional, dar și spre creșterea îngrijorătoare a tentativelor de sinucidere în rândul adolescenților și a consumului de droguri. Când copilul nu mai are teamă și respect pentru părinți, el nu mai are limite, busolă de orientare.

data science



“Ziua în care am reușit să râd ca să îmi fac copilul să râdă, deși eu aș fi urlat până n-aș mai fi avut urlete în mine, aia a fost ziua în care am știut că pot duce lupta asta până la capăt.”



xml in oracle


how to search in a blob column in oracle


Unable to get property 'layouts' of undefined or null reference



Most Web Servers allow to change this size limitation. Depending on the Web Server used to deploy MicroStrategy Web, the steps may differ. The maxPostSize parameter must be adjusted to allow HTTP Post requests with a large amount of elements to be accepted by the web server.

Set the maxPostSize parameter in the Connector to a value less than zero, this will disable the limit. (See https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-7.0-doc/config/http.html and https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-8.0-doc/config/http.html for further information).

Set the MaxPostSize parameter to a value less than 0, this means an unlimited size.(https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E13222_01/wls/docs81/adminguide/web_server.html)




All Tesla Motors vehicles manufactured from mid-October 2016 include a nvidia Drive PX 2, which will be used for neural net processing to enable Enhanced Autopilot and full self-driving functionality






Noi suntem norocoși. Dacă te trezești dimineața, poți să vezi soarele, te poți ridica din pat, mergi la bucătărie, îți faci o cafea și îți pui ceva să mănânci și poți să ai grijă de ai tăi înseamnă că ai tot ce-ți trebuie.


la sat


40% dintre copiii României trăiesc la limita sărăciei. Alți 20% nu sunt atât de norocoși, trăiesc în sărăcie extremă. Satele din jurul orașelor, în întreaga țară, încep tot mai mult să fie depopulate. Cine are însă casă la țară și are și ceva venituri își duce copilul la școala din oraș. Acolo se face carte, nu ca în sat, unde rămân cei mai neputincioși copii. Sunt copiii aceia care au în realitate nevoie de cel mai mare ajutor, sprijin, îndrumare. Sunt acei copii care fac sistemul public de învățământ de rușine, sunt ceea ce mulți se grăbesc să spună o loază, viitori asistați sociali. E vina lor că nu s-au născut în familii cu venituri decente, că nu s-au născut într-o comunitate cu infrastructură, cu o școală care să aibă profesori motivați și foarte bine pregătiți, cu oportunități culturale de petrecere a timpului liber.
Din lipsă de personal calificat care să accepte să vină în comunitate, școlile din mediile vulnerabile acceptă fie să readucă pe post pensionari, fie să angajeze persoane cu studii necorespunzătoare postului. Oamenii aici fac atât cât pot cu ceea ce au. Se așteaptă de la ei să facă minuni într-un context în care instituțiile centrale, în loc să le ofere sprijin, îi trag de urechi pentru faptul că nu sunt în rând cu lumea, cu școlile bune, unde elevii sunt selectați sau unde familiile își permit să învestească în formarea copiilor. 


error in Auto Space Advisor Job

Auto Space Advisor Job Always Fails due to ORA-01426: numeric overflow and SYS.ORA$AT_SA_SPC_SY_* even after applied Patch 16621589 (Doc ID 2220886.1)

The Auto Space Advisor Job throws below errors in alert log:
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/pcte1_04/PCTE12/trace/PCTE12_j000_60668.trc:
ORA-12012: error on auto execute of job "SYS"."ORA$AT_SA_SPC_SY_14117"
ORA-01426: numeric overflow
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_ADVISOR", line 201
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SPACE", line 2480
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SPACE", line 2560


Post install steps not done after applied this patch 16621589


Execute the post installation scripts as mentioned in the README of the Patch 16621589
$ sqlplus /nolog
SQL> spool postinstall.out
SQL> @?/sqlpatch/16621589/postinstall.sql
SQL> spool off


ORA$AT_SA_SPC_SY_nnn is for Space Advisor tasks

ORA$AT_OS_OPT_SY_nnn is for CBO stats collection tasks

ORA$AT_SQ_SQL_SW_nnn is for SQL Tuning Advisor tasks.

These are background jobs Oracle uses. The idea is that Oracle can help you by doing some work for you.

Oracle doesn't want these tasks to hamper your end user performance. The job to calculate CBO stats on a very large database might take a week or more to complete. In the meantime, your end users want access to the data and not be negatively impacted. So Oracle does a chunk of the work each night. This is called the maintenance window. It will work on what it can tonight. When the window is closed, it will cancel the job and wait to resume the next night. This is normal operating procedure.





why my querry is slow






"Copilăria este darul pe care îl primim de la viața"


ursa labs




I s-a părut că era cam frig în casă, dar poate nu chiar așa de tare, el fiind învățat să rabde. Acolo, în lunca tizicului, oamenii, chiar și cei care au lemne, încălzesc doar cât să dezmorțească aerul.
Am intrat în multe case și n-am văzut pe nimeni stând în tricou, cum stau eu la bloc.



kit: https://www.car-parts24.com/ZF-Oil-change-Kit-automatic-transmission-for-Audi-6HP19A-A4-B7-A6-C6-A8-4E


9.0 litre G 055 005 (Shell ATF M-1375.4)

Here is a Official ZF Parts catalogue with some info on oil changes pages 5- 9 this also has info on the front diff/rear torsen diff of gearbox Link:- ZF 6HP19A (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6ybetYJ0wwMOXBOcEpNSVFNblk/edit?usp=sharing) 

Here is a Link:- Automatic Choice LTD catalogue (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6ybetYJ0wwMcEdibmFLNC03TW8/edit?usp=sharing) 

Link:- LifeGuard Fluid PDF (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6ybetYJ0wwMUFFvLTVsRExCUjg/edit?usp=sharing) Link:- Ravenoil 6HP Fluid (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6ybetYJ0wwMQmpjTUNjWnRpWlk/edit?usp=sharing)

Technical data

Service code

ZF code

Audi code
AL 420 6Q

Gearbox type

6-gear planetary transmission (multi-step automatic transmission), electronically controlled with hydro-dynamic torque converter with slip-controlled torque converter lockup clutch

Mechatronic (integration of the hydraulic control unit and electric control to form one unit)

Dynamic switching programme with a separate sport programme "S" and the Tiptronic switching programme for manual gear change

Torque converter
W255 RH-4 GWK

Power transmission
Permanent four-wheel drive "quattro" with Torsen central differential

9.0 litre G 055 005 (Shell ATF M-1375.4)
Lifetime fill

Differential, FA/RA
1.1 litre/0.5 litre
G 052 145 (Burmah SAF-AG4 1016)
Lifetime fill

Weight including oil in kg
Approx. 115 kg

Max. torque in Nm
Up to 450 Nm, depending on engine version

Kingpin inclination

VAG guidance on assessment of wear by checking ATF for colour and contamination is:-

Colour of ATF

Colour yellow or blue: ATF is new.
Colour brown: ATF is used (approx. 60,000 km upwards)
Colour black: one of the gearbox components is defective (e.g. overheating of torque converter lock-up clutch, burnt out clutch linings).

Note:- On vehicles with TDI engines, the ATF turns black after approx. 60,000 km without the gearbox being defective.

ATF contains metal particles

Wear is within normal range if metal particles on magnet in oil pan or in ATF are smaller than 0.1 mm Ø and quantity is not more than 1 cm3.

Metal particles larger than 2.0 mm Ø on magnet in oil pan or in ATF indicate abnormal wear or a mechanical fault in the gearbox.

Procedure if ATF is contaminated

ATF very contaminated (ATF black or metal particles in ATF):

Dismantle and clean complete gearbox.
Flush ATF galleries and blow through with compressed air.
Dismantle and check all clutches.
Renew torque converter (cannot be cleaned).
Renew mechatronic unit (cannot be cleaned).
Clean ATF lines and ATF cooler and renew ATF strainer.

audi a6 zf 6hp19


Volkswagen and Audi cars use a 6 speed transmission on many newer models. These transmissions appear to have a high amount of failures due to valve body failures. These 6HP19 - 6HP28 models show a common issue with the valve body causing clutches to burn out. The failure symptoms usually start with 2nd and 3rd gear slippage or a bad shift pattern. The early stages will require replacing the valve body and reprogramming the computer. After the problem has been driven too long, a rebuild as well as the valve body and reprogramming will be your repair solution. 

Many Audi and Volkswagen auto customers are complaining. After numerous complaints, Volkswagen and Audi extended their problem transmission valve body warranties to 100,000 mile warranties. Checking with the Audi or Volkswagen dealer on these extended warranties may help save you money. After 100,000 miles, you will be on your own to pay the high dollar repair bill. These vehicles are also having problems in their computer programs as well. It is unclear if the computer program is half the problem, but it needs to be done after the major repairs are performed to avoid harsh engagements and downshifts to 4th gear.

After the transmission rebuild, new valve body and computer reprogram are performed, it appears that you will have little or no problems after. As long as the transmission is properly rebuilt and the valve body is replaced with a new one, the internal problems will disappear. In the repair shop, we see many of these transmission repairs go through and other than reprogramming issues, they seem to last. The 
Audi and Volkswagen dealer does not reprogram these computers for free, however it will ensure the lasting of these ZF 6HP19 - 6HP28 transmissions in your car. 

valvebody repair:


DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for any damage to personal property or injury sustained from attempting the following. Remember, stay safe and if you have any hesitations in performing this, contact your local mechanic.
Also, I did not write all of this procedure. I used all of the references to produce my own. SO DONT GIG ME ON SPELLING AND GRAMMER. I did not have a lot of time. For perspective, parts for the overhaul and transmission refill was ~$1000 plus your time(12 hours).


I am the original owner of a 2007 (09/06 build) E90 335i with the 6 speed automatic steptronic transmission with 110K miles. Every two years I have drained and refilled my transmission. The car had an inconsistent (it did not occur all of the time) weird RPM flutter in 3/4gear at 1500 RPM and it did not matter if the car was warmed up. I did not have any error codes.
This rebuild cleared up the inconsistent RPM flutter and the gear shifts are more crisp. But don't expect this rebuild to change the transmission's original personality.
I had previously attempted resetting the Adaptive Transmission Control which helped, but didn't completely fix the problem.


Sonnax valve body reference: https://s3.amazonaws.com/sonnax-dev/...AutoChoice.pdf

ZF procedure for mechatronic replacement:

Reference procedure for valve body removal and installation: http://www.bimmerfest.com/forums/sho...d.php?t=733273

Another valve body/solenoid procedure:

Oil level procedure:

Reference documents:
http://www.B I m m e r b o o s t.com/showthread.php?35150-ZF-6HP21-Reference-Documents

Lift and tranny prep:

Transmission adaptation relearn procedure:

-Sonnax zip kit ZF6-GEN2-ZIP:

-Solenoids and Foam kit:

-Nine Liters(Yes I put back in 9 liters) of Transmission oil Shell M-1375.4 (OEM) (Pentosin ATF1):

-Mechatronic Seal Adapter late 6HP21
BMW part number : 24347588724
Mechatronic sealing sleeve: 24347588725
4 rubber seals BMW Part Numbers:
24107536339 x 2
The transmission valve pan: BMW part #24152333907

Mechatronic sleeve: BMW part # 24347588725


-Separator plate: There are two plates listed for the ZF6HP21 transmission.
Original plate 1068-327-210 = Sonnax 95740-063 (My car)
1068-327-224 = Sonnax 95740-065 (Im assuming LCI??)


-Anti-Static ESD band:

-Vacuum pump for testing the valve body:


Low Profile Ramps x 2
Jack Stands x 2
Floor Jack
Spirit Leveler
3/8" Ratchet
8mm Hex Socket
13mm Wrench
T27 Torx Head
T40 Torx Head
5/16" Allen Key
3/8" Allen Key
Bucket/Catch Pan
Fluid Transfer Pump
ESD grounding strap
Brake bleeding hand pump

1.) Okay the first step is to Jack the card up on the jack stands. Make sure is safe and secure. Reset transmission adaptations before disconnecting the battery.

2.) Remove the underbody cover, heat shield, and small supports that block a clean view of the transmission pan.

3.) Drain the transmission fluid. At the same time remove the fill plug, its torqued on tight, so use a wrench or a rubber mallet to break it loose, removing this part is very difficult.

4.) Once its stopped draining, remove the oil pan bolts (24) leave the 4 corners on for last. Reminder, there is still 1 Liter of fluid in there. discard it (make sure the oil tub still has an o-ring on it, if not remove it from the mechatronic (valve body))

5.Locate the electronic connector, - Mechatronic connector, rear right corner, unplug the connector - you can do it without removing any of the support parts. Push aside back there.

6. Back to the transmission, pull the white tab down from the mechatronic, this releases the mechatronic connector sleeve, pull it out without twisting (back right outside of transmission) keep it around for later. Not the orientation tab inside of it.

7.) Warning use a ESD (Electico-static discharge) grounding strap while handling the TCM.
Remove the 10 larger bolts on the mechatronic valve body. The 10 bolts have large heads and are T40 bolts. A 11mm socket will not fit around them. Be careful. I would suggest leaving two bolts installed and have assistance while removing those last fasteners with someone supporting the mechatronic. Warning - Mechatronic is about 30 pounds, covered in oil, and as you loosen the bolts oil comes out fast. The part is very fragile, and you dont want to scratch any of the mounting surfaces. Remove and put aside mechatronic.

8.) Let transmission continue to drain oil. If you wish, remove the valve body seals.

Using the Sonnax Zip Kit instuctions.

9. Valve Body Disassembly: Warning use a ESD (Electico-static discharge) grounding strap while handling the TCM.
a. Remove seven bolts to remove TCM from valve body. Be careful. After the bolts are out push the pins and it will come out. Set aside. Make sure no oil enters the connector. Note sliding guide for shifter valve prior to removing.
b. Remove TCM by carefully prying upwards on the two dowels.
c. Remove the fasteners (Torx T27)for the solenoid hold down plate.
d. Remove the solenoids by hand pulling straight out.
e. Pry valve body halves from separator plate where indicated. Leave the upper valve body section DOWN due to the small ball check valves. Make yourself take a lot of pictures. Sonnax Zip kit ball locations in the upper valve body did not match my valve body. See my pictures!

10. Install the Sonnax zip kit ZF6-GEN2-ZIP and vacuum test.
See ZF6-GEN2-ZIP instructions. I used the hand brake vacuum pump and a piece of plexi glass, with a small hole, to test all areas. Only pull one spring loaded valve at a time not to mix up parts.
Execute the Sonnax zip kit instructions: http://d2q1ebiag300ih.cloudfront.net...f?v=1479834410
Note: When resembling the two halves of the valve body, the torque is 6NM.

14. Replace the solenoids... push to install. Note previous orientation, and install the same way. Install the fasteners (Torx T27)for the solenoid hold down plate torqued to 6 NM. The piece of foam is installed in between the solenoid and the body.

15. Install the TCM with the 6 fasteners. Take time to use the old mechatronic sleeve and see how it slips into place. Do not lock it in, but feel how it installs. Also make sure sliding tab attached to the mechatronic in its appropriate notch- this is critical, otherwise it will not come out of part.

16. Before reinstalling the mechatronic, replace all of the casing to valve body seals. I used needle nose plyers to remove.

WARNING NOTE: You may want to test fit the NEW mechatronic sleeve first on the bench. I had problems of getting the mechatronic release tab to lock back in place and I had to remove the mechatronic and troubleshoot. This will also allow you to mark 6 O'Clock position for install.

17. Carefully install the mechatronic into the transmission. Install the screws that are toward the center of the mechatronic, and slowly install all the screws and torque to 8 NM. Make sure the sliding notch is lined up with the notch that is in the transmission, this is critical. 

18. Install the mechatronic sleeve. Once you feel that it is in push firmly- very hard and push the white tab up, it should move up easily. Attach the connector back to the transmission.

19. Install the oil pan in a cross pattern. See references for the torque pattern. Torqued to 10NM. Verify drain plug is also torqued to spec.

20. Filling procedure. Using the transfer pump (I used my Motive Power Brake Bleeder reservoir to fill and it worked great), transfer at first 4 to 4.5 liters of oil into the transmission (until it leaks out of the fill hole). Start car and while running (in park (no wheels contacting anything!!)). NOTE: My rear wheels were free so I could check direction. Continue to put the transmission in Drive, Reverse, Neutral, and back in to Park while filling the transmission. You fill the car up with 8 L of oil or more. Use the transmission fill reference.

21. Let car cool, clean around pan and after an hour verify that there are no leaks. Attach trim that was removed and lower car.

22. Transmission re-adaptation: Follow the procedure for the mechatronic to relearn. https://www.fcpeuro.com/blog/posts/h...on-adaptations
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