
berg and Alzheimer


My cat blew the whistle away by sharing these notes from dr berg:

Early symptoms of Alzheimer’s:
• Difficulty remembering recent events
• Difficulty finding words
• Problems with spatial location
• Loss of smell
• Mood swings

What we know about Alzheimer’s:
• The brain shrinks, starting with the hippocampus
• People are getting it at a younger age (as early as their 20s)
• There is a correlation between hyperinsulinemia and Alzheimer’s
• Treating amyloid plaque hasn’t produced results
• There is a risk factor involving APOE

There is an alternative theory that Alzheimer’s is a lysosome storage problem. The lysosome is a part of the cell that helps clean up damaged proteins and recycles them into new building blocks. The theory is that this part of the cell is broken.

The process of the lysosome cleaning up damaged protein and recycling it is called autophagy. The most potent trigger of autophagy is fasting, and a lot of research demonstrates that fasting can potentially improve Alzheimer’s.

Natural ways to enhance the lysosome function and autophagy:
1. Reduce glucose (get on the keto diet)
2. Do intermittent fasting (OMAD) and periodic prolonged fasting (a 48-hour fast once a week)
3. Try herbal remedies (curcumin, pine bark, thunder god vine, and green tea)
4. Include omega-3 fatty acids (DHA) in your diet
5. Increase SCFA (get into ketosis)
6. Exercise regularly
7. Get plenty of sleep
8. Consume cruciferous vegetables
7. Include extra virgin olive oil in your diet
8. Do heat and cold therapy

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