
bad performance with ODI in AIX

Timeouts And Extremely Poor Performance On AIX 64 Bit Servers With JVM 1.6 [ID 968592.1]

Applies to:

Oracle Data Integrator - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
***Checked for relevance on 27-Jul-2012***


When launching an ODI version Scenario (for example,calling the OdiSleep tool with a very short period (300 milliseconds)) on an AIX 5.3 64 bit machine using the 64 Bit JVM version 1.6, the execution runs for an exceptionally long period of time indicating very poor performance or network timeouts.


The issue is caused by the IBM JVM 1.6 on IBM AIX 64 bit servers which is problematic as indicated in Note :353180.1


To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:
  1. Stop the ODI Agent.
  2. Edit the odiparams.sh file in the oracledi/bin folder.
  3. Modify the ODI_ADDITIONAL_JAVA_OPTIONSto have (for example) the following :
  4. Restart the Agent
  5. Test the Scenario on the Agent

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