
kkjcre1p: unable to spawn jobq slave process

Doc ID 24921392.8

Oracle background process may fail to spawn when swap is under pressure.
An example of a typical symptom seen:
 Process J000 died, see its trace file
 kkjcre1p: unable to spawn jobq slave process

Trace file may show following output: 
 OPIRIP: Uncaught error 1034. Error stack:
 ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
 ORA-27102: out of memory
 Linux-x86_64 Error: 12: Cannot allocate memory
 Additional information: 26
 Additional information: 131075
 Additional information: -1610612736

Rediscovery Notes
The problem may be seen if MEMORY_TARGET is used and memory or swap space
is under pressure.

Increase memory and/or swap on the affected system to avoid the issue.

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